Judy Leggett is very pleased to be reselected to fight to be the County Councillor to represent Old Catton and Sprowston West . Married to Barry, they have two sons, one living locally with his family, and the other living in Australia.
Judy retired after a career in IT and Human Resources at Aviva. Her career which encompassed training, recruitment and management, has proved invaluable experience for carrying out the work of a County Councillor.
Judy has lived in Norfolk all her life, the last 25 years in Old Catton and knows the area well.
Judy has wide experience of being a school governor both of primary and secondary schools. Judy is currently joint chair of the governing body of Old Catton and White Woman Lane Federation, and a governor at City Academy Norwich.
Judy is a member of the management committee of a local charity helping vulnerable women and children, a charity which really makes a difference to people’s lives in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Other interests are :- chair of the Old Catton Society and vice chair of Old Catton Twinning Association.
She is at present deputy cabinet member for education and a member of the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel, these with her work on other committees and working groups has enabled her to contribute to the benefit of Norfolk residents.
Judy said "I am a lifelong Conservative because my aims and values accord with those of the party. I am straightforward and with the qualities of persistence and patience am well placed to serve the residents of Old Catton and Sprowston West."