Today Norfolk County Council announced more help for Norfolk businesses. The County Council working with 6 District Councils aim for £200,000 per year for two years to support and help create 150 new sustainable businesses each year.
The County Council working with a number of Norfolk's district councils will enable people looking to start and develop businesses to be targeted at a more grass route level and in the more rural areas of the County. This will be the first time that a number of councils will have come together to deliver a start up initiative for businesses.
Conservative County Councillor Ann Steward, Cabinet Member for Economic Development sais "There is no comprehensive start up scheme in Norfolk, although there are some excellent local initiatives. By working together at a local level, we believe that we can fill gaps and offer a tailored solution to meet local need to help people start ip their own business. It's important for people to feel they are receiving as much support as possible, and this cna be achieved by offering a service in the area in which they live as well as providing one to one and face-to-face advice
“Norfolk has for many years been behind the national average in terms of new businesses and we want to try and change that. We believe this will have significant benefits to those we help to start up as well as the wider economy.”
More information why not check out the Norfolk County Council page covering the scheme: