The Norwich Conservatives have taken another big step forward in their campaign for the City elections in May 2011 by launching a new website. The site,, has a number of improvements including including an interactive map, local and national news, an events page and a searchable database of key figures in the local party. People will also be able to download party newsletters and leaflets before they are printed and delivered to homes in Norwich.
Launching the website at their party HQ off Dereham Road, new Party Chairman said Antony Little said:
"More and more people are turning to the internet to get their political information. It is therefore crucial that we have a website that suggests we are serious and provides people will all of the information they need. We have worked to provide a website that is clear, easy to read and packed with important local political information. We very much hope it will become a one-stop-shop for people wanting to find out about the Conservatives in Norwich. This is an exciting new development and we hope people will log-on and find out more. This new wbesite puts the Conservatives streets ahead of the other parties in this field."
Conservative Group Leader at City Hall, Cllr Andrew Wiltshire, said:
"As Councillors our workload is now primarilty through email and we know that people want an easy way to find out about what is going on in their area. The website will be a crucial tool in the local elections and one we believe will give the Conservatives an edge. It is goign to be updated regularly and, nearer May 2011, will be updated with items such as our manifesto and details of candidates."
Picture: Conservative Councillor Eve Collishaw (Catton Grove) logs-on!